
About the Library

Our Library is opposite the Front Office. Do come in and browse – we have hundreds of books spanning many different genres: Fiction; Thriller; Biography; Romance; History & Politics; Art & Photography; Food & Wine as well as a large section for Children and Young Adults.  The library has high ceilings and features an original fireplace.  The walls are covered in book shelves and comfortable chairs for reading are scattered around the room. A large front window opens onto the front verandah. 

Our Librarian is in on Wednesdays for advice and recommendations. The Library is open daily from 9-5 and books can be borrowed for up to two weeks.

Library features

Room capacity

The Library comfortably accommodates 6-10 people.

Hire cost

Contact us if you are a registered charity for community rates ph: 9922 4428.

PLEASE NOTE: The library is not for hire between 9am - 5pm as it is open to the public
