Our History

October 5th, 1971

Alderman Robyn Hamilton Reid moved a Motion  that “money be put in the 1972 estimate for the acquisition of a suitable site for a Community Centre in Kirribilli ward”. the motion was passed. 

October 5th, 1971

July 1974

North Sydney Council purchased 16 to 18 Fitzroy street Kirribilli for 152,000 for the purpose of establishing a Community Centre.

July 1974

November 1974

An Interim Management committee formed, made up of 3 ward aldermen and 5 locals. Recommendations from the committee which met monthly are forwarded onto Council. 

November 1974


An Interim Management Volunteers from the area paint some of the rooms and do work at the centre and raise funds. 


January 1975

Council begins some restoration work on the building. Installing a kitchen and toilet facilities. 

January 1975

February 1975

A playgroup and Art class are started at the centre. 

February 1975

June 1975

The first program of courses and activities begin including three classes and puppet workshop. 

June 1975

July 1975

Restoration work starts on the building funded by North Sydney Council (74,000 spent overall).

July 1975

October 1975

A history of the building completed by Professor P.I.Reynolds. 

October 1975

November 1975

Second open day held. Public meeting held to discuss future activities at the centre. 

November 1975

December 1975

Opening of Coffee Shot “Wholemeal Ally’s” initiated by Tyrone” a community action group. 

A week of activities held in conjunction with the North Sydney Community Festival. 

December 1975

January 1976

First Market Day held on the 24th. 

Organisation of first team courses including Art Classes, Yoga, Thread and Nail Art, Cards and Games sessions and a PlayGroup. 

Landscaping begins. 

A small working group is formed to prepare a document to the goals, structure and function of the centre in readiness for a public meeting to elect a management committee.

January 1976